Bakal menantu Najib didakwa tipu AS$20 juta dan palsukan dokumen utk memasuki Universiti Columbia...
Dokumen mahkamah yang difailkan di Mahkamah Agung Manhattan mendakwa, dia menipu bapa tirinya seunit kondominium bernilai AS$20 (RM62 juta) dan memasuki Universiti Columbia menggunakan dokumen palsu.
Menurut The New York Post hari ini, dokumen mahkamah itu menyebut, Daniyar memalsukan dokumen untuk memberikan gambaran bahawa dia berkelulusan daripada sekolah tinggi di Kazakhstan.
Bagaimanapun, sumber akhbar itu berkata, dia sebenarnya bersekolah di Switzerland dan tidak menamatkan pelajaran.
Rekod Columbia masih menunjukkan Daniyar masih dalam senarai bekas pelajar dan bergraduasi pada 2010.
The New York Post melaporkan jurucakap Columbia sudah dihubungi tetapi enggan mengulasnya.- malaysiakini
Najib's future son-in-law accused of US$20mil swindle and wormed his way into Columbia U using forged documents...
US court documents claim that Kazakh national Daniyar Nazarbayev, who is engaged to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's daugther, is a veteran swindler.Court documents filed to the Manhattan Supreme Court claimed that he conned his step-father out of a US$20 million (RM62 million) condominium unit and gained entry to Columbia University using forged documents.A
ccording to the New York Post today, court documents said Daniyar had forged documents to create the impression that he graduated from a high school in Kazakhstan.
However, the newspapers sources said he went to high school in Switzerland, but did not complete his studies.Columbia's records show that Daniyar is still on the alumni list and graduated in 2010. The New York Post reports that a Columbia spokersperson was contacted, but the latter refused comment.
The court documents were filed by Bolat Nazarbayev, the brother of Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev and formerly Daniyev's stepfather.
Bolat is accusing Daniyev, 24, and his mother Maira (right) of taking advantage of his trust to swindle him of the Plaza Hotel condominuim unit and two other multimillion-dollar apartments on Wall Street.
"The suit says Daniyar was supposed to put the apartment in his stepdad’s name but added his mom’s. About eight months later, she sold it to Daniyar for $1, court papers say," New York Post reported. The newspaper said that court documents also show that Daniyar's real family name should be Kesikbayev and not Nazarbayev. The latter reportedly carries influence in Kazakhstan.
It is alleged that Maira had legally changed Daniyar's family name after marrying Bolat in 2001.The marriage was later annulled after Bolat allegedly found out that Maria was wanted by the authorities for "crimes including kidnapping and extortion".
Daniyev has apparently gone "missing".
The New York Post said Bolat's lawyers have tried to locate Daniyar in five countries, including Malaysia, where he is engaged to Najib's daughter Nooryana Najwa.- malaysiakiniNephew of Kazakh president 'falsely wormed his way into Columbia University' and 'stole' his stepfather's $20million apartment
Suit filed by stepfather
The court documents were filed by Bolat Nazarbayev, the brother of Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev and formerly Daniyev's stepfather.
"The suit says Daniyar was supposed to put the apartment in his stepdad’s name but added his mom’s. About eight months later, she sold it to Daniyar for $1, court papers say," New York Post reported. The newspaper said that court documents also show that Daniyar's real family name should be Kesikbayev and not Nazarbayev. The latter reportedly carries influence in Kazakhstan.
It is alleged that Maira had legally changed Daniyar's family name after marrying Bolat in 2001.The marriage was later annulled after Bolat allegedly found out that Maria was wanted by the authorities for "crimes including kidnapping and extortion".
Daniyev has apparently gone "missing".
The New York Post said Bolat's lawyers have tried to locate Daniyar in five countries, including Malaysia, where he is engaged to Najib's daughter Nooryana Najwa.- malaysiakiniNephew of Kazakh president 'falsely wormed his way into Columbia University' and 'stole' his stepfather's $20million apartment
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