Call Najib, Rosmah sends word to Putin
Sebab itu imiginasi mereka boleh melangkaui batasan kebijaksanaan manusia. Kah kah kah. Fuh kalau betul la cerita ni bayangkan begitu powerfulnya Rosmah kan? Kalau macam tu Rosmah dah boleh jadi Presiden USA sebab dia boleh control Russia yang Amerika pun tak leh kawal beb. Fuyoooo
Muahahahahahaha! Elok tutup je la Malaysiakini tu. Kassi bikin malu je, Sin Chew pun satu babi jugak, manyak makan babi sebab tu bodoh kan Sin Chew? You are what you eat kan?
Rosmah Mansor berpesan kepada Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin supaya menghubungi suaminya, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berhubung tragedi MH17.
Laporan ringkas melalui portal Sin Chew Daily menyebut bahawa Rosmah menyampaikan pesanan itu menerusi seseorang yang rapat dengan Putin (kanan).
Laporan itu menyebut Rosmah berharap Putin akan menelefon Najib untuk menjelaskan isu berkenaan bagi menenangkan rakyat Malaysia yang berang dengan insiden itu.
Bagaimana pun, laporan Sin Chew itu tidak menyebut tempat kenyataan Rosmah itu dibuat.
Laporan Bernama menyebut Rosmah menghadiri satu acara Wanita Umno di Kuala Lumpur awal hari ini namun, agensi itu tidak menyebut tentang pesanan tersebut.
Call Najib, Rosmah sends word to Putin
MH17 Rosmah
Mansor has sent word to Russian President Vladimir Putin to call her
husband, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, over the MH17 tragedy. According to a brief report in Sin Chew Daily website, Rosmah said she had asked someone, who is close to her as well as Putin, to convey the message.
However, there is no mention as to who this person is. The report stated that Rosmah is hoping Putin would take the initiative to call Najib and explain the issue in order to calm down Malaysians, who are enraged over the incident.
Sin Chew also did not state where she had made the remarks.
Rosmah was present at a Wanita Umno function in Kuala Lumpur earlier but Bernama, which reported on the event, made no mention of her commenting on the ill-fated plane.
Meanwhile, Najib (left), who was slated to hold a special address on MH17 at 8pm, later tweeted that it was "postponed for several hours".
Najib, who attended an iftar function with bloggers and online media practitioners, only managed to eat a date before he received calls from world leaders regarding the tragedy.
According to the news agency, when the call for prayers resounded at the mosque in Angkasapuri, the prime minister received a call from United Nations (UN) secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.
Najib was seen talking for more than 10 minutes over the phone on the incident before performing his prayers at the mosque.
Upon completing Maghrib prayers, Najib received a call from Putin (right).
MH17, which was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam, is believed to have been shot down as it flew over Ukraine, which is roiling in conflict.
Ukraine has blamed the Russian-backed separatist rebels for the missile attack while Russia has pointed the finger at the former.
All 298 passengers and crew, including 44 Malaysians, are believed to have perished after the aircraft burst into flames. Early this morning, Najib demanded "swift justice" if it is proven that the Boeing 777 had been shot down.
However, there is no mention as to who this person is. The report stated that Rosmah is hoping Putin would take the initiative to call Najib and explain the issue in order to calm down Malaysians, who are enraged over the incident.
Sin Chew also did not state where she had made the remarks.
Rosmah was present at a Wanita Umno function in Kuala Lumpur earlier but Bernama, which reported on the event, made no mention of her commenting on the ill-fated plane.
Najib, who attended an iftar function with bloggers and online media practitioners, only managed to eat a date before he received calls from world leaders regarding the tragedy.
According to the news agency, when the call for prayers resounded at the mosque in Angkasapuri, the prime minister received a call from United Nations (UN) secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.
Najib was seen talking for more than 10 minutes over the phone on the incident before performing his prayers at the mosque.
MH17, which was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam, is believed to have been shot down as it flew over Ukraine, which is roiling in conflict.
Ukraine has blamed the Russian-backed separatist rebels for the missile attack while Russia has pointed the finger at the former.
All 298 passengers and crew, including 44 Malaysians, are believed to have perished after the aircraft burst into flames. Early this morning, Najib demanded "swift justice" if it is proven that the Boeing 777 had been shot down.
Aku gelak terguling-guling bila baca laporan ini dari portal yang
mendapat pengiktirafan sebagi portal terbaik dari Dawood the kayu! Mana
taknya dia punya spin sampai kata Rosmah arah presiden Russia call Najib
dan cerita pasal MH17! Ini adalah spin tahap dewatan raya, aku rasa
Malaysiakini tengok banyak sangat drama pukul 7 malam yang TV3 tayangkan
Putin call Najib sebab Rosmah suruh? Seriously?
penulis bila baca tajuk artikel Malaysiakini kononnya Rosmah Mansor
hantar pesan kat Presiden Russia untuk buat phone call kat Najib
berhubung insiden pesawat MH17 yang dikatakan ditembak di ruang udara
Ukraine. Tak pelik ke ?
power sangat ke Rosmah sampaikan Presiden Rusia iaitu ketua pada sebuah
negara yang merupakan anggota tetap Majlis Keselamatan PBB kena dengar
cakap dia? Macam mana portal Malaysiakini yang kononnya top boleh
mencedok artikel dari tabloid berbahasa Cina Sinchew Daily yang entah
kesahihannya tak dapat dipastikan.
kan kalau ikut logik , takkan lah Presiden Russia takde akal sampai
terpaksa tunggu arahan Rosmah untuk buat phone call pada PM . Bodoh la
Malaysiakini, kalau ye pun nak jahanamkan imej Rosmah jangan tulis pick
ip article2 sampah macam ni. Terserlah kebodohan editor yang benarkan
artikel macam ni diterbitkan.
lama lagi boleh la keluar cerita pasal Rosmah call Obama suruh melutut
kat Najib pula. What's next ? Rosmah arahkan Benjamin Netanyahu hentikan
serangan atas Gaza? Makin lama makin pelik artikel2 spin nak
menjatuhkan orang.
Kalau ye pun bagi la masuk akal sikit. Prftt... Putin call Najib sebab Rosmah suruh??? Seriously???
AMUKANMELAYU - Jika tak tahu pasal AIRLINE dan dunia PENERBANGAN lebih baik diam......jangan buat cerita lawak dalam paper yang kononnya terlalu telus....