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Pernahkah anda bertanya adakah ianya berasal dari salinan yang asal atau telah di ubahsuai atau di pinda. Ada berapa kitab yang asalnya? Jawapannya ada disini. Amukanmelayu membantu anda untuk mencari kebenaran. Jangan sesekali emosi dalam mencari kebenaran berugama.
# PERHATIAN - Jika haram di awalnya atau di KITAB ASAL, HARAMLAH hingga ke akhir zaman. Ini kerana WAHYU dari ALLAH. Persoalannya, adakah Nabi Isa utusan Allah mengatakannya HALAL? Atau adakah Nabi Isa pernah makan daging babi tak kiralah babi hutan atau babi Bandar atau babi peliharaan. Mengubah apa jua dari kitab yang asal walau pun satu huruf maka ianya akan menjadikan sesiapa yang mengubahnya itu berdosa. Untuk itu, anda carilah SALINAN KITAB yang ASAL yang di gunakan oleh Nabi Isa Alaihissalam untuk mencari kebenaran. Jadilah seorang yang pintar dan jujur sebagai se orang yang berpegang kepada AJARAN NABI ISA.
Pandangan Sejarah :
KITAB INJIL dalam Bahasa Greek dan TAURAT pula di turunkan dalam Bahasa
HEBREW, Yang Maha Berkuasa di sebut "El, Eloh, Elohi dan
Begitu juga dalam KITAB TAURAT atau
INJIL. Jika dikaji fakta sejarah, bahasa
sebenarnya yang digunakan dalam Taurat adalah Hebrew dan Injil adalah
Greek. Perkataan "God" dalam bahasa Hebrew adalah "El, Eloh, Elohi dan
Yahweh". Oleh itu untuk MENGEKALKAN KEASLIANNYA hendaklah kedua-dua
KITAB ini di kekalkan dalam BAHASANYA ASALNYA. Ini kerana INTONATION
dalam satu-satu Bahasa itu dengan Bahasa yang lain adalah berbeza dan
akan membawa maksud yang berlainan.
POPE Berbohong lagi kepada Penganut Kristian dan melanggar amanah Nabi
Isa untuk menyampaikan INJIL dengan sebenar-benarnya.
Kitab Perjanjian Lama |
Kitab Perjanjian Baru |
Jika sebenar-benarnya
Kamu Ikhlas sebagai Ahli Kitab(Al-Kitab) kamu tiada alasan untuk
menyangkalkan yang Nabi Muhammad saw disebut banyak kali di dalam Kitab
Lama dan Kitab Perjanjian Baru(Yang Origenal) yang merupakan Kitab Suci
bagi kaum Yahudi, secara tidak langsung
ia juga menjadi bukti terhadap kaum Nasrani (Kristian) kerana kamu
juga beriman dengannya dan menganggapnya sebahagian daripada kitab suci
From - To Amukanmelayu - brothers of Christians. Brother, Kebaikankan is the dream of everyone who believes. Do you believe? I believe that you are a believer in THE BIBLE. Make GOODNESS is everyone's dream. kiji But why are there bad people? We become evil is because we are given guidance by the wicked.
The difference between the wicked and the good
ones are good. Who should we follow to become our idol in doing things
this good? BEARING rightly BOOKS GOD that was sent to them as a guide to
be a good man and a believer. Who is the messenger of Allah? They are
the prophets who got a revelation from God and the commandments of God
to deliver tatahidup religion.
Clusters most people who live the Faith
is in the West, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. West and Europe in
monopoly by Christianity, Islam and western Asia is Southeast Asia
(archipelago) as well as in the monopoly of Islam. How Christians came
to the West when it comes from the Middle East? How Islam to Southeast
Asia is that it started in the Middle East?
The simple answer to this
question kiji is: Preachers. Are they honest with their preaching? This
is where the beginning of this issue. Do not they use the opportunity to
preach this for personal gain? This is what Amukanmelayu want to point
out. The answer to all these problems can only be answered kiji with
honesty and study. You have to find your own answer. The first step is
to examine your own BIBLE which you hold it. Have you ever wanted kiji
to know whether it is derived from an original or has been modified or
How many books are original? The answer is here. Amukanmelayu
help you to find the truth. Never emotion in seeking the truth of
religion. Look at the base to find the truth of this. They are trying to
hide some things kiji and change them to suit their interests and you
are stuck with their instructions while the original Verses from the
Messenger of God was very far from their nature that supposedly can
forgive you when the pastor was also a human being or like you.
See the
case of pigs, why did they change it from the original BOOK? See STUDY
and REVIEW OF THE GOSPEL Above that in doing this in Indonesia. 1.
According to the 1928 Ancient Bible, particularly the Book of
Deuteronomy 14:7, prohibit eating "rabbit", but according to the Bible
Christians in 1991 and 2001, the Book of Deuteronomy kiji 14:7,
transformed into a "jungle bunny". Further, according to the 1928
Ancient Bible, specifically Deuteronomy 14:8, illegal eat "pork", but
according to the Bible of 1991 and 2001, the only "wild boar" banned. 2.
According to the 1928 Ancient Bible, particularly the Book of Leviticus
11:7, forbidden to eat "pork", but according to the Bible of 1991 and
2001, the Book of Leviticus 11:7, which is illegal "wild kiji boar",
while pig village, city, and pork ngepet bule ,
# NOTE - If illegal in
the first or in THE ORIGINAL, unclean until the end of time. This is
because kiji the revelation from God. The question is whether kiji the
Messenger of Allah Jesus mengtakannya Halal? Or did Jesus ever ate pork
no matter how wild boar or pig or pig City. Changing any of the original
book, even one letter then it would make anyone turn to sin. For that,
you look for the ORIGINAL COPY OF THE consumed by Jesus Alaihissalam to
find the truth. Be smart and honest as per those who adhere to the
teachings of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict Emeritus CONCEALED AND TRAITOR
In the Greek language used in the Bible, "God" means Theos. In conclusion, the Word of God is not a real translation for God in the Torah and the Gospel. CLEAR, Pope Lying again to Christians and violating trust Jesus to deliver GOSPEL truth. Pope Benedict kiji Emeritus CONCEALED kiji NATION IN ADVANCE OF THE GOSPEL kiji TRUTH, kiji whereas JESUS HAVE TO DELIVER ON HIS
It can not be refuted, when the Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Old Testament is the Jewish Scriptures, indirectly it is also a testament to the Christians (Christians) kiji because they believe in it and consider it part of their holy book. What has been featured kiji on the announcement, news of the Prophet Muhammad in the Old Testament has come to be an argument over the Jews and the Christians simultaneously because they all believe that it is a revelation from God, but they are trying to turn the opposite meaning.
If in truth you Ik
AMUKANMELAYU - Syukur jika ini adaah pandangan mereka dari Saudara Kristian yang mencari kebenaran BERUGAMA. Kembalilah kepada ISLAM......