The Fake Sultans of Sulu: Satu Pendedahan Ngeri!!
Dipetik dari posting seorang yang bernama Mulid Sahaya bertarikh 15 Disember 2011, yang diberi tajuk "The Fake Sultans of Sulu". Blog ini telah disebar secara meluas dalam komuniti Tausug di Facebook (FB). Data dalam blog ini memang dari satu segi tidak selari dengan doktrin Tausug Global Media (TGM) yang memperjuangkan Tausug dan Kesultanan Sulu, namun perlu diakui keseluruhan faktanya amatlah benar dan mengagumkan.Kebiasaan TGM melaporkan tentang Kesultanan Sulu tidak meletakkan nama "& North borneo @ Sabah" selepas ayat Sultanate of Sulu, adalah kerana North Borneo itu telah pun dimaklumi. Sebagai contoh, Pulau Palawan itu telah berada dalam tangan Filipina kerana majoriti penduduknya Visaya beragama Kristian, tapi TGM tidak akan menamakannya wilayah Sultanate of Sulu & Palawan. Kerana Palawan itu telah pun dimaklumi sebagai wilayah asal Kesultanan Sulu lama sebelum kedatangan kolonialis. Data yang diberikan dibawah ini bagi saya lebih baik dari data yang saya masukkan dalam buku Tausug & Kesultanan Sulu.
Ini kerana ketika saya menulis buku tersebut, maklumat tentang pengaku Sultan-Sultan Sulu mutakhir tidak begitu banyak malah tidak dapat dijumpai dalam internet. Namun setelah buku Tausug ini tersebar luas ke seluruh Nusantara malah versi bahasa Inggerisnya telah sampai ke Brunei, Amerika, Filipina, Thailand dan tempat-tempat lain di dunia maka bermunculan lah para penulis handal yang lebih mengetahui hal Kesultanan Sulu seperti saudara Mulid Sahaya ini.
Malah ketika ini hampir setiap beberapa bulan saya mendapat maklumat berupa email, sms atau FB, dari orang-orang tertentu (yang tidak mahu perkenalkan diri) memberi maklumat secara sukarela tentang gerakan sultan-sultan Sulu palsu ini di mana-mana. Apa pun pihak TGM mengucap jutaan terima kasih kepada saudara Mulid Sahaya kerana blog beliau tersebut turut mendapat perhatian dari orang-orang Perancis (Eropah) dan tempat-tempat lain. Mari kita lihat siapakah Sultan-sultan Palsu yang dimaksudkan.
Tambahan gambar dan penjelasan bahasa Melayu di bawah ini adalah dari saya sendiri. Harap maklum!
The Fake Sultans of Sulu
This website is to expose the Kirams who claim to be sultans of sulu but are actually dogs of the Philippines, they accept sabah money for themselves and forget the people, at the same time going together with non tausugs, preferring non people of sulu over the sulu people.
Listed below are the names of self-proclaimed sultans. As a public service, we warn the unsuspecting public, the various governments and the foreign banks that hold the deposits of the late Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo/ Sabah, not to be fooled and duped by many false sultans and self-appointed sultans who have no rights to claim the rank and title as "Sultan" as they masquerade like clowns being a laughing stock as sultans of Sulu and Sabah.
The motivations of these self-appointed sultans why they proclaimed themselves without any right to the crown and throne of Sulu and Sabah are due to personal vested interest such as:
- to withdraw the perceived cash and gold assets of the late Sultan of Sulu and Sabah, and;
- 2) to be paid by Malaysia to masquerade as sultans to further destabilize the Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah, to sow confusion, so that the Sultanate will have difficulty to recover Sabah from the illegal occupation of Malaysia since 1963. Indeed indications pointed out that Malaysia paid many of these self-proclaimed and false sultans. They are false sultans because they did not fulfill the Law of Succession to be Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo as stipulated in the Tartib kesultanan Sulu which was violated by the Kiram family and kept the people of Sulu in the dark, even abandoning them.
The claims of these self-proclaimed sultans are questionable and fictitious, and their so called "genealogy and family tree" are fantasies and fairy tales designed to impress and mislead the public. Their claims are just pigments of their imagination. Their claims as sultan have no foundation whatsoever.
Their acts and appointments made (such as creation of new royalty or nobility, like datuk or other awards and any authority relating to the asset recovery of the late Sultan of Sulu and Sabah in foreign banks) whether written or oral are all null and void ab initio and non-binding.
Because fraud and deception are criminal offenses. Plus prudence and wisdom will dictate that if any asset of the late Sultan of Sulu and Sabah is to be wihdrawn, the only one who can withdraw them is none other than the true and legitimate Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo/ Sabah. It is easy to recognize the true and legitimate Sultan -- the one who fulfilled the Law of Succession, and the One that is trully acknowledged and welcomed by its people.
Jamalul Dalus Kiram) Sultan Jamalul Kiram III bin Datu Punjungan
(Boe-tye hitam), dengan bangga bersama permaisurinya (baju merah)
bergambar disisi Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan (Sultan Negeri
Sembilan). Dipetik dari
- 1. DATU JAMALUL DALUS KIRAM -- Outsider. Not a member of the Royal blood line of succession.
- 2. DATU ESMAIL DALUS KIRAM -- . His former name was ISMAIL but he changed it to ESMAIL to mislead the public that he is directly related to Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I. He was a candidate in his province of Sulu in the 1992 election as provincial board member but he was rejected by his own constituents as he lost that election.
- 3. DATU AGHBIMUDDIN DALUS KIRAM -- Jamalul, Esmail and Aghbimuddin are not members of the Royal blood line of succession who are three (3) brothers who also installed themselves sultans of Sulu at the same time. No one in his/her right mind will believe that one family can have three (3) sultans of Sulu and succeed one another while the 3 are still alive at the same time, when no one died or abdicated if they were true royalty and true Sultan of Sulu. These 3 brothers are seen as clowns as they fight each other, with no respect for their own family, that they are treated with derision, disbelief and a laughing stock.

Kiram II ni adik kepada Jamalul Kiram III di atas. Mereka satu kampung
mengangkat diri menjadi Sultan Sulu serentak. Walhal orang-orang Sulu
maklum yang mereka ini adalah anak Punjungan, Punjungan pula adalah anak
Mora Nafsa Lagayan dari suami lain yang masa itu masih dalam perut 4
bulan ketika docolek oleh Rajamuda Mawallilwasit untuk dijadikan isteri.
Hairan, dimanakah maruah mereka ini sebagai TAUSUG berdarah Bajau
SIMUNUL. Seolah-olah mereka tidak tahu yang rakyat jelata mengetahui
DIRI MEREKA asal dari mana.

Sultan Rodinood Julaspi,
mungkin ayahnya mahu "berkat" dari nama ROBEN HOOD yang suka merompak
wang "kerajaan" dan dipulangkan semula kepada rakyat miskin. Namun yang
berlaku ialah merompak harta kerajaan Kesultanan Sulu yang sebenarnya
bukan harta pribadi tapi harta negara Sulu, lalu digunakan untuk
berfoya-foya. Buktinya kalau betul dia Sultan Sulu yang kaya dan
mendapat WANG PAJAKAN SABAH seperti yang beliau selalu dakwa, sudah
tentu beliau dah membina istana dan mengatur gerakan rakyat di Jolo,
Sulu. Apa yang lebih malang, di Malaysia beliau dikenali sebagai
"penjual surat jongkong emas Kesultanan Sulu" yang kononnya berada di
Bank luar negara. Inilah Modus Operandinya untuk mengumpul wang dari
orang-orang kaya Malaysia. Malangnya, rakyat Malaysia tidak serik.
- 4. RODINOOD JULASPI -- (FABRICATING HIMSELF A KIRAM). Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. Not a descendant or male heir of Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I (Sultan 1947-1973). He is not from Sulu but an Ilocano from the Ilocos region of the Philippines . The grandfather of Rodinood Julaspi and Kudar Julaspi was Hadjirul, a commoner with no royal blood, who worked as a horse handler in a horse stable. There is no truth to the claims of Rodinood and Kudar and his father they are descendants of Sultan Jamalul Kiram II, as the Sultan was unfortunately impotent, and did not have any male or female offspring.
- 5. KUDAR JULASPI -- (FABRICATING HIMSELF A KIRAM). Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. Not a descendant or male heir of Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I (Sultan 1947-1973). Rodinood and Kudar Julaspi do not belong to the Royal blood line of succession who are brothers who proclaimed themselves sultans at the same time, which is an insult to the intelligence of many as no one in his/ her right mind will believe two (2) brothers can succeed each other while they are both alive. Kudar is not from Sulu but an Ilocano from the Ilocos region of the Philippines . Kudar and Rodinood are seen as 2 clowns in the Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah.

ni confirm PELAWAK kerana ketika saya bersama satu bilik hotel ketika
dulu beliau selalu memaparkan cerita lawak tentang dirinya (polis
berjawatan DSP di Johor katanya, boleh tampar orang sesuka hati). Mau
tak lawak, pada awalnya beliau mengaku Datu Muidzullail Kiram, alih-alih
beliau mengubah namanya kepada Mudarasullail pula. Ustaz Hj Abdul Halim Abas Kedah dan saudara Al-Dusuni
(perwira Muallaf Sabah dan pengasas Stesen Radio, CahayaFM) yang
mengenali beliau, tergelak bila dengar nama barunya kerana jelas
penipuan berupa lawak tersebut.
- 6. MR. MUDARASULAIL @ DATU PAIJAL -- Descent unknown. Outsider & Commoner. Not of Royal blood . He fabricates himself to be a Kiram. Not a descendant or male heir of HM Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I (Sultan 1947-1973). The claims of this man are pure fiction and fantasy made up by his warped and distorted mind. His claim as a datu is questionable and without foundation. He lives in Sabah and works in the police in a lowly position. His claims as sultan are deliberate manipulations to further confuse and destabilize the Sultanate of Sulu.
- 7. IBRAHIM PULALUN -- Pulalun was proclaimed using the money of Stan C. Brandenburg, a tax agent, an American claiming to be the U.S. Ambassador to Sulu and North Borneo/ Sabah, but they had a falling out and Brandenburg instead supported and installed Bahjin afterwards. Scorned Pulalun advertised on Zamboanga City newspapers that he had nothing to do with Brandenburg .
- 8. DIGNIM PULALUN -- Another unscrupulous usurper and impostor sultan. Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. He is the son of Ibrahim Pulalun who also installed himself sultan without any lawful rights. So now you have Ibrahim and Dignim Pulalun (father and son) clowning and masquerading without rights to be sultan. These father and son are regarded as clowns in the Sultanate along with the other fake sultans listed hereto.
- 9. AYDAL ALIUDDIN -- Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. Arrested and imprisoned in Brunei for impersonating the rank and title of Sultan of Sulu.
- 10. MUHD. YAHCUB ALIMUDDIN V -- Descent unknown. Outsider. He is an Indonesian.
- 11. HAJI MUHD. AL SAGOV VAN ELDIK (A DUTCHMAN) -- Adopted son of the father of Kudar and Rodinood Julaspi.
- 12. DEMETRIA OMAR KIRAM -- (FABRICATING HIMSELF A KIRAM). Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. A Zamboanga City hotel in the Philippines is looking for him for failing to pay his hotel bills up to now. He is not from Sulu.

Datu Muedzullail T. Kiram
@ Sultan Muedzullail sedang bergambar dengan 3 orang penyokongnya.
Sehingga hari ini beliau hanya dikenali sebagai Datu yang mengaku Sultan
Sulu tapi tiada gerakan di Sulu mendekati rakyat sebab itu beliau
dikenal sebagai Sultan yang tiada rakyat apatah lagi KERAJAANNYA
sendiri. Beliau keluar negara memakai Passport Filipina sebagai bukti
pengakuannya bahawa "Presiden Filipina" adalah SULTAN lebih tinggi
- 13. DATU MUEDZUL-LAIL T. KIRAM -- A member of the Royal blood line but not acceptable and not proclaimed as Reigning Sultan by the Royal Datus and the Sharifs of the Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah . He is also not acceptable to the major groups of Sulu. As per his own admission Datu Muedzul-Lail accepted from Stan C. Brandenburg monthly payment of P50,000 and a Starex van, plus an additional P10 million for himself and P2 million for his mother-in-law and P3 million for his stepmother, in exchange for Brandenburg becoming Sulu Prime Minister of Datu Muedzul-Lail, but Brandenburg did not give him a cent and did not fulfill his promise to pay and instead proclaimed Bahjin twice. As a result many Sultanate leaders commented "Datu Muedzul-Lail sold his line to the Royal succession so cheaply which made him incapable and unsuitable to be Sultan of Sulu." Due to this unfit and improper conduct of Datu Muedzul-Lail, he eliminated himself to the rank and title of Sultan.
- 14. JUAN T. DELA CRUZ (FABRICATING HIMSELF AS AMIR KIRAM) -- Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. Many people are looking for him due to loss of money they gave him as he promised to recover the assets of the late Sultan of Sulu and Sabah in foreign banks but he disappeared. He is not from Sulu.
- 15. ALAWI MOHAMMAD KARIM alias ALFONSO SAGUN BAUTISTA alias ALAWI JULKARNAIN AZAM KIRAM (FABRICATING HIMSELF A KIRAM) -- Commoner & Outsider. This man is trying to claim the assets of the late Sultan of Sulu and Sabah and now called himself a Kiram.
- 16. ABDULLAH AZAM ATALAD -- Commoner & Outsider. Not of Royal blood and not a member of the Royal blood line of succession. This man tried to represent himself as the Sultan of Sulu in the U.S. Congress but no one believed him and took him seriously. He lives in Mindoro . He is not from Sulu.

Sultan Mohammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram,
beliau pernah bekerja dengan pihak keselamatan Filipina di Malacanang
dan mungkin masih bertugas, tapi tergamak mengaku Sultan Sulu. Beliau
hari ini sedang giat usahakan gerakan "menuntut Sabah"
untuk diserah kepada Filipina, kerana ayah beliau Sultan Esmail Kiram I
telah serahkan Sulu tanpa persetujuan Rakyat Tausug kepada Filipina.
Maka Filipina pun melompat gembira hinggakan bersusah payah menuntut
Sabah setelah itu (hingga hari ini), bukan untuk Kesultanan Sulu tapi
untuk Filipina "yang bermimpi di siang hari".
Kerana Filipina ingat Esmail Kiram I ada kuasa serahkan Sulu kepada
negara Kafir? Fuad dalam bahaya kerana rakyat Tausug sudah kenal
dirinya, sekiranya beliau tidak membersihkan nama Kesultanan Sulu
(keluarga Kiram) dari tangan kotor Filipina maka selama-lamanya
keturunan beliau (Kiram) dicaci nista dalam lipatan sejarah Tausug?
- 17. and lost but not the least but the most scandalous is Mohammad Fuoad Abdullah Kiram who is disowned by the very people of sulu who claims to be Sultan Foad., One who gets non-Tausugs and non-sulu peoples to assist him because no honorable Tausug wishes to assist him, he claims the Sabah money for himself and has forgotten the peoples of Sulu. A very irresponsible person who does nothing except appoint royal titles to Non tausugs while ignoring the people of Sulu and North Borneo.
Sebagai tambahan dari saya ialah gambar Sultan satu lagi dibawah ini yang tidak tersenarai di atas,

para Datu dan Syarif, beliau bukanlah keluarga Kesultanan Sulu malah
jauh sekali dari susur galur Shakirullah (salah satu dari cabang
salasilah Kesultanan Sulu, belahan dari keluarga Kiram juga). Peliknya,
beliau diakui SULTAN SULU oleh seorang tua yang mengaku sebagai
Pengerusi kepada "Council of Royal Datus" iaitu Datu Albi A. Julkarnain,
seorang keturunan Datu Bajau dari Pulau Ubian (Tawi-Tawi). Lebih pelik
lagi Datu Albi ini turut mengesahkan bahawa Dr Bahjin walau pun bukan
keturunan @ kerabat Kesultanan Sulu, namun beliau berpendidikan tinggi
dan boleh dijadikan "ayam sabung" demi mendaulatkan semula Kesultanan
Sulu. Ayam Sabung untuk apa? Untuk kaut wang dan jongkong emas Sulu
mengkayakan diri sendiri?
amukanmelayu - perebutan KUASA untuk berada di atas TAHTA adalah penyakit tradisi KESULTANAN MELAYU......elakanlah supaya kita kembali GAH seperti dahulukala.
amukanmelayu - perebutan KUASA untuk berada di atas TAHTA adalah penyakit tradisi KESULTANAN MELAYU......elakanlah supaya kita kembali GAH seperti dahulukala.