Singapore Straits Times informs about DAP election next week in its power-based of Penang.
Carolyn Hong touted few potential DAP leaders for the next line of leadership.
as well as Khoo Kay Peng, the political analyst speaks to propagate the
imminent success of DAP in the next general election.
- Penang holds 40 seat altogether : 29 from PR and 11 from BN at present.
- She hinted that top leaders like Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh are not expected to be challenged in their leadership. She praised Lim Guan Eng for taking firm control of the party and Penang state. But she was dissatisfied with the news that LGE will be reaching his last term as the party’s top boss.
- Carolyn Hong worshipped three potential crooks like Tony Pua, Ngar Kor Ming and Anthony Loke to be in the next top line of leadership. DAP delegates has jumped bigger from 1,000 in 2008 to 2,500 due to the great success of the opposition in 2008.
- Lim Kit Siang, the veteran party leader said the chances of winning in the upcoming polls are between equal chances of winning or losing.
Carolyn Hong backed up the strength of Penang that has taken control over BN. She boosted Penang since the state had churned up wealth in electronics industry and a tourist attraction.
did not bicker at all over a remark by Khoo Kay Peng, the political
analyst who praised Lim Guan Eng so highly as BN chips away in Penang.
BN must uphold their strength in solidarity and integrity by continuing to strive to recapture Penang until
the situation reaches nothing or to the last straw. It is high time
that BN voters and supporters must co-operate, conspire in any way, and
assist each other with healthy minds rather than bickering one another
that could weaken the party. BN must prove to Khoo Kay Peng and Anwar
Ibrahim that the party is not easily divided as mentioned by him. H.S.