,مليسيا دان اسلام بوکن ميليک اورڠ ڤوليتيک
, مک ڤرجواڠن اݢام تتڤ دڤرجواڠکن اوليه اومت اسلام دري بيدڠ يڠ لاءين
سام اد كامي منڠ اتاو كامي ماتي


Saturday 11 January 2014



Zaitun: Leave Malaysia if you dislike BN govt

The Star Online
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KUANTAN: The Kuantan Wanita Umno division was calling on those who disliked the Barisan Nasional-led Government to just leave Malaysia and live elsewhere, according to its chief Datuk Zaiton Mat.
She added that it was easier to complain about the Government’s shortcomings and ignore the hard work done to build peace and harmony in the country.
“It is better for all of us to work together to make this country a better place.
“Some people, who are bent on causing disturbances and disharmony, are not thankful for the benefits they have been getting all this time.
“Why do they want to destroy the country’s peace by organising a gathering to topple the Government?” she said after leading a group of some 50 Kuantan and Paya Besar Umno division members to lodge a report at the Kuantan district police station yesterday.
The police report was lodged following the plan to hold a rally on “Himpunan Guling Kerajaan” (Rally to Topple the Government) on New Year’s Eve in Kuala Lumpur.

No logic in leaving Malaysia for not supporting BN

Sunday, December 29, 2013
  • Zuraida Kamaruddin
Zuraida says: "Can Zaiton explain why Sharizat is still the UMNO Wanita Chief despite alleged ties to the NFC fiasco? Does Zaiton support tainted politicians to be the country's leader?" (file pix/The Mole)
KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Keadilan Rakyat Wanita cihef Zuraida Kamaruddin has questioned the logic behind Kuantan Wanita Umno chief Datuk Zaiton Mat's statement that those who disliked the Barisan Nasional Government should leave Malaysia.

Describing it as an uncivilised call, Zuraida, the MP for Ampang, in a statement said why should Malaysians get out of Malaysia when there is only 47 per cent support for the BN.

Following is the full text of her statement:

"I refer to the statement made by Kuantan UMNO Wanita Chief asking Malaysians who do not like BN to leave Malaysia.

Why should Malaysians get out of Malaysia when there is only 47% support for BN?

The dwindling support is due to the fact that more and more people especially the Malays are now aware that they are not benefitting from the NEP and have been hoodwinked by the BN-led government for 56 years. UMNO are not the champion for Malays, they only champion their own pockets.

This is evident as only a handful of cronies get richer and richer while the majority of the population is burdened with taxes and price hikes.

Logic may have eluded Zaiton as she is blinded by the faults of the UMNO leaders.  Can she explain why Rosmah gets to fly in private jets while the people have to pay through their noses to pay for her lavish lifestyle?

Can she explain how Rosmah’s son can afford a RM110 million condo in New York? Can Zaiton explain or confirm if Rosmah is the First Lady of Malaysia?

Can Zaiton explain why Sharizat is still the UMNO Wanita Chief despite alleged ties to the NFC fiasco?  

Does Zaiton support tainted politicians to be the country's leader?

Can she explain why Perkasa is BN-funded? Can she explain why the BN government failed in its duties to solve the Pahang flood problems?

Can Zaiton explain how thankful she is to the UMNO-led government that others should emulate?

Can Zaiton explain why the pre-election promises are not fulfilled but instead the rakyat are made to suffer even more with the price hikes?

Can Zaiton, as an UMNO leader explain why she supports the increase of prices even though Tun Dr. Mahathir has voiced out saying that it should not be so?

Can Zaiton justify all the dissatisfaction of the non-UMNO supporters to the point that we can ‘work together and make this country a better place?’

Now, isn’t that what all we hope for. No matter how dissatisfied the people are with BN, nobody has ever denied the right of citizenship to the BN members even though they are the minority now. Pakatan Rakyat has never asked BN members to leave the country.

This is an uncivilised call.

While Pakatan Rakyat try to be inclusive and win peoples’ hearts over with sincerity and facts, it seems that the UMNO leaders are just stooges who fail to understand what is good and right for the rakyat.

I hope that Zaiton realises how the price hikes are going to affect our daily lives and can provide an answer to all of the above.  If not, I invite her to respect and echo the rakyat’s wishes to reject the UMNO-implemented price hikes.

Lastly, Zaiton should also apologise for her statement for poor and suffering Malaysians to leave the country.

Maybe Zaiton can afford the price hikes, but majority of the Malaysians still cannot afford it.


MALAYSIA hadapi satu penyakit merbahaya. Golongan politikus Malaysia semuanya tak boleh pakai langsung. Tiada persefahaman dan tiada kerjasama diantara mereka demi kepentingan rakyat. Kehidupan rakyat semakin menekan dan semakin tertindas dengan karenah politikus yang sentiasa pijak perot rakyat setiaphari.
LGE - Tiada apa pun sumbangan kepada Negara

Politikus Malaysia masakini adalah spesis paling biadap dan kurang ajar serta banyak cakap tapi kerja tak pandai. Semua mengaku pandai tapi sebenarnya tengkorak mereka kosong tiada otak. 24 jam kerja mereka hanya berpolitik. Kebajikan rakyat terbiar dan tidak dihiraukan langsung.

Taraf hidup rakyat di bandar dan diluar bandar masih tak banyak berubah. Yang banyak berubah ialah kehidupan para politikus. Kalu dulu, bawa proton saga kini boleh beli mercedes dengan plat PIG. Kalau dulu gaji ciput sekarang gaji mereka naik berlipat kali ganda.

Rakyat dizalimi dan dianiayai oleh kedua belah pihak demi kepentingan perot para politikus dan anak-beranak mereka sahaja. Satu sen diberikan kepada rakyat dan 99 sen mereka ambil. Mereka kata semuanya kerana usaha mereka. Rakyat patut bersyukur dan jangan kufur nikmat. Rakyat jangan jadi pemalas nak mintak subsidi, dan bla ... bla ... bla ... bla ...politikus poket sendat akaun penuh kosong, kosong,kosong,kosong, kosong, kosong kosong, memanglah boleh cakap camtu. Tidur bertilam empuk didalam rumah bernilai berjuta ringgit. Dan boleh hisap curut yang harga sebatang melebihi gaji sebulan mak cik cleaner.

Politikus sentiasa menyesakkan kepala otak rakyat dengan isu-isu politikal yang bersifat retorik dan memperbodohkan rakyat sepanjang masa. Politikus golongan muda pula lebih banyak berkhayal dalam jamban mengenai kehebatan diri mereka. Walhal, belum tentu mereka mampu tandingi kehebatan Stopa Ali dan Anwar Ibrahim diatas ranjang.

Kononnya Laifsetail sekati dua tahil dan sikap anarkis adalah semangat anak muda. Ya semangat nak masuk kubur lebih cepat dan menjahanamkan negara. semuanya nak diubah oleh perlancapan minda politikus muda yang hanya tahu dan prihatin berapakah harga segelas kopi di hotel lima bintang berbanding harga sekilo kopi yang dijual dipasar malam. Politikus muda hanya pandai bercakap , bergaya dengan fesyen terbaru, berposing untuk instagram, fesbuk dan twitter, hanya copy n paste kata-kata falsampah yang ntah hapa-hapa setiaphari selama lima tahun.

Politikus Muda sekolah tak cukup syarat kelulusan wajib dalam semua matapelajaran KEMAHIRAN HIDUP.

Rakyat terus tertekan dengan sikap lewa dan banyak politking politikus yang siangmalam merompak sana sini dan menipu dengan bermacam-macam slogan 'Perjuangan'. Apa sudah jadi kepada Malaysia kini? Tiada lagi pejuang sejati dikalangan politikus. Yang ada hanya perebutan kuasa dan perebutan kontrak bernilai berbilion ringgit.

Sampai bila rakyat dari semua kaum dan semua agama sanggup bertoleransi dengan semua politikus masakini di Malaysia? Pada akhirnya nanti, politikus kaum muda akan hilang jatidiri mereka sebagai manusia dan sifat insan mereka. Manakala politikus veteran dan otai pula akan menempah tiket ke sorga atau ke neraka mengikut amalan mereka sendiri dan apa yang mereka tinggalkan.

Era zaman kerajaan tahu semua yang baik sudah berakhir, sekarang ini era zaman politikus semua tak tahu hapakebender yang mereka buat seharian. Yang mereka tahu, makan tidur lepak , berak dan kencingkan rakyat selagi usus mereka dan ginjal mereka mampu melakukannya.

AMUKANMELAYU - Dah lama duk tengok.....depani (WAKIL RAKYAT) telah menjadi BEBAN kepada Rakyat. BN dan PR sama saja.....